STP News Blog

STP 44th Annual Symposium: Call for Abstracts & Student Award Applications – Due March 30

By Tierre Miller posted 14 days ago


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Submit Your STP Abstracts and Student Award Applications
by March 30, 2025

We invite you to join us for the STP 44th Annual Symposium: Toxicologic Neuropathology: Basics and Beyond, at the Fairmont Chicago – Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois, from June 22–25, 2025. This symposium offers an exciting opportunity to engage with leading experts, exchange ideas, and expand your knowledge on key topics in toxicologic neuropathology. Don't miss this chance to network with colleagues and immerse yourself in a dynamic program filled with cutting-edge scientific sessions, enriching continuing education courses, and valuable networking opportunities.

Visit the Annual Symposium website to review the preliminary program and to secure your hotel reservations at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park as soon as possible to ensure availability and take advantage of the negotiated rates for the convenience of all our attendees. Reserving your room at the official hotel helps ensure that STP can secure appropriate meeting space for the Annual Symposium while keeping registration rates low. Don’t forget to register by April 30th to take advantage of the Early Bird Rate!

Call for Abstracts
Abstract Deadline: March 30, 2025

All meeting attendees are encouraged to submit a poster for the meeting. Abstracts must fit within the scope of the Society, whose mission is to be an international leader for improvement of human, animal, and environmental health using an interdisciplinary scientific approach based in pathology and toxicology.

Contents of the poster presentations should pertain in some way to the field of toxicologic pathology but are not limited to “classic” toxicity studies/issues technologies. Naturally occurring toxicities (including poisonous plants), in any species, as well as spontaneous and infectious diseases of species used in toxicity studies, are welcome, as are mechanistic in vitro and molecularly oriented studies. Studies in alternative species such as fish are also encouraged. See How to Write an Abstract for STP Poster Sessions for more information.

Student Travel Grants
Abstract and Application Deadline: March 30, 2025

Student Travel Grants are available to Graduate Students for participation in the STP 44th Annual Symposium. Each student who is chosen will receive a stipend (approximately $1,000 varies yearly) to defray travel, and lodging costs associated with attending the symposium, complimentary meeting registration, and complimentary student membership (for the following year). Recipients will be honored at the Awards and Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday.

Submit an abstract online describing your original work involving clinical or experimental research that relates to experimental or toxicologic pathology.

Young Investigator Awards
Abstract and Application Deadline: March 30, 2025

Young Investigator Awards (1st, $750; 2nd, $500; 3rd, $250) are also presented at the STP meeting for the top three student poster abstracts. When submitting an abstract online, please check the appropriate box to indicate your interest in applying for the Young Investigator Award. Applicants will receive instructions about the selection process and poster judging times via email in April.

Environmental Toxicologic Pathology SIG Student Research Award
Abstract and Application Deadline: March 30, 2025

The Environmental Toxicologic Pathology Special Interest Group (ETP-SIG) Student Research Award recognizes a student for their achievements and contribution to environmental toxicologic pathology via research presented at the STP Annual Symposium. The contribution should enhance the ETP-SIG’s mission which is to support the advancement of scientific investigation into the health effects of environmental stressors that may impact humans or animals.

Undergraduate, veterinary, and graduate students, as well as residents and postdoctoral fellows may apply. The award recipient will receive The Fundamental of Toxicologic Pathology 3rd Edition and will be recognized at an ETP-SIG meeting. Thank you to Elsevier for donating the prize.

To apply, in addition to submitting a first author poster abstract online for the STP Annual Symposium, please submit the following documents:

    • Letter of recommendation from mentor/advisor including student’s role in the work
    • Statement of career goals
    • Current curriculum vitae

The successful candidate will be expected to attend the STP Annual Symposium to present the poster.

Chicago offers a wealth of attractions, beautiful parks, and a scenic lakefront, complemented by its iconic architecture, world-class museums, and diverse dining and entertainment options—making it the perfect setting for our symposium. Take the opportunity to explore the city’s vibrant culture and rich history during your stay. For more information, visit the About Chicago webpage. We look forward to welcoming you in June!