This new year make a resolution to volunteer to serve on an STP committee*. Complete and submit the online form by January 31.
Greetings! STP is now recruiting new member volunteers to serve on its committees and working groups. No experience is required for most of our standing committees; we only ask that you can commit time and energy for meetings and committee activities. Participation is key to the success of our diverse and impactful committees and our Society as a whole.
New STP committee terms commence in June 2025 and go through June 2027, traditionally around the time of the STP Annual Symposium when committee leadership changes over. To volunteer for one or more committees*, please visit the volunteer webpage and make your selection(s) by January 31, 2025. You will be contacted regarding most new committee assignments in Spring 2025. Please note that ad hoc or special committees, task forces and/or working groups may be formed throughout the year, as needs are identified.
If you need more information about a specific committee and its activities, please contact the committee chair, or view the committee charges document.
Thank you in advance for your support and participation in the STP!
*In general, new committee appointments will be guided toward individuals who do not have an existing, on-going committee assignment. In general, members will receive only one new committee assignment per year unless there are insufficient volunteers to fill open committee seats.