STP News Blog

New STP Special Interest Group 🤼 Respiratory and Inhalation Pathology

By Tierre Miller posted 10-01-2024 14:03


New STP Special Interest Group Formed
Respiratory and Inhalation Pathology (RIP-SIG)

The Society of Toxicologic Pathology is pleased to announce the establishment of the Respiratory and Inhalation Pathology Special Interest Group (RIP-SIG). The mission of the Respiratory and Inhalation Pathology Special Interest Group (RIP-SIG) is to provide a centralized forum for the discussion and exchange of respiratory and inhalation toxicologic pathology knowledge including harmonized respiratory pathology terminology, relevant animal models, inhalation/pulmonary delivery systems, emerging in vitro/in vivo technologies, adversity determination in safety assessment, clinical pathology and biomarker use, human risk relevance, and regulatory guidance for respiratory findings in the preclinical safety assessment of pharmaceuticals.

This mission will be accomplished through the following action items:

1. Support of the Respiratory INHAND pathology team through feedback gathering on current usage of respiratory pathology nomenclature within STP and the sharing of relevant INHAND updates with RIP-SIG members
2. Development of an online repository of relevant publications with special emphasis on the comparative anatomy, histology, and physiology of the respiratory tract of common inhalation animal models in safety assessment
3. Collaborative generation of Toxicologic Pathology special issues, “Best Practices” papers, and Opinion papers with the input of inhalation and respiratory toxicologic pathology subject matter experts and regulators
4. Delivery of virtual and in-person, formal and informal, educational and networking opportunities through SIG-sponsored webinars, CE offerings, regional meetings, and Annual Symposium meetings
5. Promotion of the specialty within STP and active engagement with other STP SIGs, the STP Executive Committee, other professional toxicologic and regulatory bodies, and the global toxicologic pathology community 

Thank you in advance for your support and participation in the STP!

Special Interest Group Members
Lori Bedient, Chair
Monique França, Co-Chair
Molly Boyle
Amy Brix
Erica Carroll
Rita Deuchande
Jack Harkema
Wanda Haschek-Hock
Ann Hubbs
Julie Hutt
Charan Ganta
Melanie Greeley
Jessica Grieves
Kyathanahalli Janardhan
Birgit Kittel
Charlotte Keenan
Shawn Lennix
David Meyerholz
Pedrag Novakovic
Satish Panchal
Marcia Pereira Bacares
Sara Rostad
Dirk Schaudien
Jacqui Stewart
Santhipriyadarsini Sridharan
Kristin Vynhal 

Deepa Rao, EC Liaison