STP News Blog

🤼New STP Special Interest Group Formed: Complex In Vitro Models & Pathology

By Tierre Miller posted 05-24-2023 16:38


New STP Special Interest Group Formed
Complex In Vitro Models & Pathology

The Society of Toxicologic Pathology is pleased to announce the establishment of the Complex In Vitro Models & Pathology Special Interest Group (CIVMpath-SIG). This CIVM & Pathology SIG has the mission of increasing awareness and engagement of pathologists in the development of relevant Complex In Vitro Models (CIVM) to support drug development and biomedical research. In addition, the SIG will collaborate with the ESTP CIVM & Pathology Workstream. This mission is aligned with the Innovation Goal of the STP Strategic Plan and ties closely with the strategy of engaging with other discipline leaders to support the 3Rs (Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement) and validation of novel research study designs, microphysiological systems, and additional in vitro approaches to comprehensive hazard and risk assessment. It also aligns with global outreach.

At this time, we invite all interested members to join the newly formed Complex In Vitro Models & Pathology SIG. Members attending the Annual Symposium are also invited to the CIVMpath SIG meeting on Tuesday, June 27, 12:30 pm-1:30 pm in Canyon View A. 

Thank you in advance for your support and participation in the STP!

Special Interest Group Members
Lindsay Tomlinson, Chair
Brian Berridge
Darlene Dixon
Mark Hoenerhoff
Steven Laing
Xavier Palazzi
Arun Pandiri
Deepa Rao
Daniel Rudmann
Frederic Schorsch
Vanessa Schumacher
Manu Sebastian
Nadine Stokar-Regenscheit
Radhakrishna Sura
Tanja Zabka